Double the trouble and double the fun! Shakespeare’s fizzy, dizzy comedy follows the mishaps and mayhem created by Antipholus and Dromio as they search for their lost family. After arriving in a new city, the two are treated like old friends…but something seems amiss. Soon the pair is thrown into a quagmire of jealous wives, stolen goods, and an enigmatic nun who holds the key to solving the riddle. As the sun starts to set the comic confusion lifts just in time to end with a loopy family reunion.
Playful Pandemonium. The Comedy of Errors is one of Shakespeare’s earliest works and one of his shortest plays. Characters romp through this fast-paced comedy that has brought laughs to audiences since it first took the stage. Two sets of twins keep the rib-tickling ruses rolling from one joke to the next.
Side-splitting summer slapstick. Drawing from improv and sketch comedy, a five-person cast will play all the roles for this fast-flying farce. Pay attention or you might just think you’re seeing double for this summer family show.
George Mount (Director) Craig Wollam (Scenic Design), Jocelyne Fowler (Costume Design), Robertson Witmer (Sound Design), and Ian Bond (Fight Director/Movement Specialist).
MJ Daly, Kelly Karcher, Rico Lastrapes, Kate Witt, and R. Hamilton Wright.
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