Directed by Victor Pappas, this new production of Shakespeare’s fairy tale of love and war begins performances January 8 in the Center Theatre.
Keiko Green and Conner Brady Neddersen head up a 16 member cast in Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well. Green plays Helena, a young woman who has pinned her heart on Bertram, played by Neddersen.
Not only is Shakespeare’s “serious comedy” modern in its discussion about the complicated relationships between men and women, but it’s also rich in examining differing generational views on how to find your own way in the world.
The cast also includes Suzanne Bouchard (Countess of Roussillon), David Breyman (Ensemble), Keith Dahlgren (Lavatch, the clown), Brandon Felker (Reynaldo/Duke of Florence), Riley Gene (Ensemble), Heather Hawkins (Widow), Benjamin McFadden (Dumaine the Elder), Hannah Morin (Mariana), Christopher Morson (Dumaine the Younger), George Mount (Parolles), Ayo Tushinde (Diana), Evan Whitfield (French Lord/Soldier/Gentleman), Michael Winters (King of France), R. Hamilton Wright (Lafew).