Maggie Carrido (Sea Captain/Musician), Tim Gouran (Ariel), Malex Reed (Boatswain/Musician), and Mimi Santos (Miranda) and Miguel Castellano (Ferdinand) on the ground. Robert Wade Photography.
Malex Reed (Boatswain/Musician), Izzy Schonfeld (Sailor/Musician), and Maggie Carrido (Sea Captain/Musician). Robert Wade Photography.
Malex Reed (Boatswain/Musician) and Tim Gouran (Ariel). Robert Wade Photography.
Malex Reed (Boatswain/Musician) and Tim Gouran (Ariel). Robert Wade Photography.
Tracy Michelle Hughes (Prospero) and Malex Reed (Boatswain/Musician) in the background. Robert Wade Photography.
Jesimiel Jenkins (Sebastian), Richard Nguyen Sloniker (Alonso), Kathy Hsieh (Gonzalo). Robert Wade Photography.
Miguel Castellano (Ferdinand) and Mimi Santos (Miranda). Robert Wade Photography.
Kathy Hsieh (Gonzalo) and Richard Nguyen Sloniker (Alonso) with Jesimiel Jenkins (Sebastian) and Sarah Harlett (Antonio) in the background. Robert Wade Photography.
Sarah Harlett (Antonio) and Jesimiel Jenkins (Sebastian) looking at Kathy Hsieh (Gonzalo) and Richard Nguyen Sloniker (Alonso) sleeping. Robert Wade Photography.
Tim Gouran (Ariel). Robert Wade Photography.
Richard Nguyen Sloniker (Alonso) and Kathy Hsieh (Gonzalo) being lingered over by spirits Maggie Carrido, Tim Gouran, Malex Reed, and Izzy Schonfeld. Robert Wade Photography.
Miguel Castellano as Caliban. Robert Wade Photography.
Jesimiel Jenkins (Trinculo). Robert Wade Photography.
Sarah Harlett (Stephano). Robert Wade Photography.
Maggie Carrido (Sea Captain/Musician), Izzy Schonfeld (Sailor/Musician), Malex Reed (Boatswain/Musician), and Sarah Harlett (Stephano). Robert Wade Photography.
Mimi Santos (Miranda) and Miguel Castellano (Ferdinand). Robert Wade Photography.
Miguel Castellano (Ferdinand), Mimi Santos (Miranda), and Tracy Michelle Hughes (Prospero) with Tim Gouran (Ariel) looking on. Robert Wade Photography.
Miguel Castellano (Caliban), Sarah Harlett (Stephano), Jesimiel Jenkins (Trinculo), Tim Gouran (Ariel), Izzy Schonfeld (Sailor/Musician), Maggie Carrido (Sea Captain/Musician. Robert Wade Photography.
Jesimiel Jenkins (Trinculo), Miguel Castellano (Caliban), and Sarah Harlett (Stephano). Robert Wade Photography.
The cast creating Ariel's harpy. Robert Wade Photography.
Maggie Carrido (Sea Captain/Musician), Tim Gouran (Ariel), Malex Reed (Boatswain/Musician) and Mimi Santos (Miranda) with Miguel Castellano (Ferdinand). Robert Wade Photography.
The cast celebrating Miranda and Ferdinand's wedding. Robert Wade Photography.