When no one is performing in a theatre, the space is referred to as being “dark.” Today, theatres all around the world are dark while we wait and work toward the day this pandemic is over.
On those dark stages, there’s a special light placed center stage that keeps the stage and theatre safe. It’s called a ghost light.
Seattle Shakespeare Company needs a light to keep us safe.
Our ghost light is you.
Help keep Seattle Shakespeare safe for the future. Be our ghost light. Make a special gift today to keep Seattle Shakespeare safe.
We want Seattle Shakespeare to continue being a place where all people feel welcomed and feel safe. In order for us to continue being that safe, brave place for the classics, we need to be kept safe by you.
This week, we’re looking for 100 brave people to stand up and be our ghost light. In thanks, once we’re able to safely print and mail, we’ll send you a limited edition Ghost Light sticker that tells the world: you keep Seattle Shakespeare safe.
You are Seattle Shakespeare’s ghost light.
You can keep Seattle Shakespeare safe.